HELP WANTED! - Open Leadership Positions
Ever thought about becoming a leader of the MPA? Now is the perfect time to seize that opportunity and begin making a difference. If you're interested in becoming a MPA leader, please fill out the Self-Nomination Form. Come join the fun!
Check out the Policies and Procedures Manual for position descriptions. Each committee chair position is for a one year term. All Committees, Sectionals, and Chapters must have a voting member co-chair. Associate, student, and sustaining members may serve as a co-chair with a voting member. Want to help, but you're not ready to be a chair? MPA is always seeking committee members! Submit a Self-Nomination Form and a Director or Chair will contact you!
Remember, you can make a difference in your association by volunteering your time. MPA has many opportunities that may fit your interests, abilities and schedules.
Open Board Positions: Director of Marketing; President
Open Committee Chair/Coordinator
| Open Sectional Chair Positions
Open Greater Minnesota Chapter Positions